Sunday, 7 May 2017

the Indian music scene with gusto

Hindi rock emerged on the Indian music scene with gusto soon after the advent of globalization. The face of changing India embraced the hard, edgy and new sounds it had to offer, though there were many critics who found this new genre to be something which was too radical and was a far cry from the traditional classical Indian sound, rock soon found a leeway into mainstream hindi drama serial music.

The youth though, still hung-over with the more mushy and bubble gum pop of the 1980s and 1990s, found this new sound raw and exciting. Since then it has come a long way, it continues to evolve and nowadays no Hindi movie is devoid of a tune that is inspired by Hindi rock.

The concept of an 'Indian Rock God' so often used on reality shows is an example of how far rock music has come. Rock bands like Junoon, Euphoria and the likes are considered stalwarts of the genre and they always seem to reinvent themselves with new sounds that resonate with the youth in India.

The youth have always been ardent fans of western rock with Metallica, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith forming just a few of the bands that have influenced rock music in India. This love for western rock has subsequently given further impetus to the rise and the popularity of rock in Indian vernacular, as the sounds are quite similar to those from the West.

Indian rock finds itself in safe hands with a host of new upcoming artists who are trying to reinvent the genre to make it more acceptable to a wider audience however they have never let the edge disappear from this sound thus maintaining the authenticity of the style of music.
The 21st century saw a surge in the popularity of hip hop and rap music; however in India, rock still has a wide selling market where rock groups are leaving no chances to capitalize on the popularity of Hindi rock.

1 comment:

  1. Bigg Boss 11 nominations: Shilpa Shinde, Bandgi Kalra, Jyoti Kumari, Zubair and Arshi Khan find themselves in the line of fire Bigg Boss 11 3rd October 2017
